souse chef

I should have hated I and grudgingly liked II but I loved I and grudgingly liked II.

What the fuck is wrong with the Tarantino commenters? I haven't had this many trolls in years. All because I objected to Tarantino putting his stamp on the Manson family. My objections? Tarantino's history of enjoyable violence versus my history of surviving Jeffery Dahmer. Is Tarantino some kind of link to the


Well you didn't have the budget for Nebraska so this is the best we could do.

One cyclone coming up…

Just like Judy! Would you like another "aspirin"?

I'm surprised. I thought for sure that King was gonna go after big Cantaloupe.

That wasn't a Munchkin. That was Mickey Rooney. Who was briefly distracted from Deanna Durbin's breasts. It won't last long.


I just remember that it was remarkably thick for a supposedly fresh water fish. It was also remarkably fresh for somewhere as inland as Vienna. I have family there and one of them is pescatarian and he couldn't tell me either. I'm guessing it's a river fish of some sort. The Danube is right there.

What kind of fish is Zander? I had it in Vienna, and everywhere in Austria and Poland it is translated as pike perch. In Wisconsin pike and perch are very different fish which are both nothing like Zander. I really liked it but I have no idea how to go about finding it again short of going to central Europe.

If you do the math (are you capable?) you could figure out how old I am and where in Wisconsin I've lived. I'm not going to be more specific than that because this is the internet and there are assholes like you out there.

You're making a lot of fucking assumptions about me and joking about horrific things that happened in the real world in my life. Go away troll.

Yep. I'm a precious fucking snowflake who's survived a lot more than you.

Fuck off.

Oh please. I've watched everything from Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom to Grave of the Fireflies. Most of Tarantino's output is decidedly not "grown up" just merely rated for grown ups. I expect about the same level of maturity here and that's my problem with this. Tarantino is fine and occasionally great at what he

Not the same town. He trawled the border area that I lived in. Not the actual family, just some asshole who claimed he was in the family. Yes, I met Dahmer. He offered me $50 once as I was walking home which happened to be around the corner from where he lived although I didn't know it at the time. Of course I said


I know a ten year old who thinks that's how sex works. It's not my job to teach him better but I hope someone does.

Oh I don't think it's new. Children have been singing about Lizzie Borden's axe since the day it happened.