souse chef

Does the Governor of Florida count as a foreign power? Because that leaves just Bush, Sr.

Reagan colluded to win the election. There was no way that Carter could win if those hostages were still stuck in that Embassy. The difference is that Iran was not blackmailing him. He did it just because he wanted to.

My mom's boyfriend thinks that Obamacare is wrong because he's paying for a bunch of freeloaders. He has Medicare.

My first response was "Does that her refer to Hillary or Chelsea?" My second (and correct) response was "Yes."

Not with Trumps impotence. He has to make do with watching his Russian prostitutes pissing.

…said not enough people under Reagan.

My lawyer says that I should say it was good or I'll never get to Elysium. I'm not sure if that's what I want.

Remaining Golden Girls go into hiding.

I'm on first and you're on second. I don't know who's on third. Heads up!


Ooh, just wait until they repeal Obamacare. Trumpcare features so many more 'splosions! You've heard of a cast of thousands? Trumpcare's got millions of 'splosions!

I saw it and I don't see anything anymore.

Lucky you picked 50 years or we'd all be talking about Orson Welles again. Isn't Welles the reason we all bombed out of film school and wound up here?

Eh, watch District 9 again.

So a clueless video from Auschwitz?

Yep. It was funny before Cheers and funnier after.

I've seen our dinosaur on other threads and outside of WOT. Even making jokes. There's plenty of commenters that I've lost track of because we no longer watch the same things and then I'm surprised when they pop up somewhere.

It's also a stealth lesbian joke that only very few people would get. Meret Oppenheimer covered that teacup with fur. Now imagine it filled with a warm liquid and look at that spoon sitting uselessly on the side. Meret brings it to her lips…

My vote is for Jimmy James: