Woods porn was far superior to woods cassingles although both had their uses.
Woods porn was far superior to woods cassingles although both had their uses.
Banker's blue.
Yep. The bird is right over there. I'm not gonna catch it.
Yep. The record companies in their infinite wisdom decided to kill records. Now they wonder where their profits went.
If this doesn't answer your question then I can't help you: https://youtu.be/DSKMEYElUgI
Not everything that your finance professor told you is true.
I've stolen many live bands in my time.
Are they actually pressing vinyl though? Or is this the crappy plastic disks that they used to destroy vinyl the first time around? Those fuckers got one taste of the sun and they warped into salad bowls. That's why everybody paid a dollar more for a cassette and five dollars more for a CD.
Why be sorry? I'm the nice one.
I don't know but my hearing aid is starting to melt.
Oh good lord you are one of those. No wonder you don't get jokes.
This is when it helps to have a TV/movie star parent. Logue's gonna get a lot more attention than I ever would. It's gonna bite him in the ass but I bet he's more than willing to put up with that shit if he gets his kid back.
Is this not yet another response? I think you like me. Do you want to tug on my pigtails?
Oh crap. No one wants this for their child. Logue always seemed like a nice guy but even if he was an asshole he wouldn't deserve this. I hope you're safe Jade.
But you did.
Well sometimes a boy dinosaur and a girl dinosaur like each other very much and they go to a drive-in or maybe get a malted and then a planet-wide catastrophe kills every single thing on Earth. Did that help?