Hence my internal debate. I have a fight or flight instinct too but that's older than human consciousness. But with octopuses we don't even understand how they can have instincts.
Hence my internal debate. I have a fight or flight instinct too but that's older than human consciousness. But with octopuses we don't even understand how they can have instincts.
Agnew knew how to spell Democrat. Something tells me that you are not the Vice President of America who resigned in shame.
No one should fuck Trump. Have you seen the results of the five times that women were willing to fuck Trump?
Like Muammar Gaddafi.
It's Bermuda. Anything contained within that triangle has been lost and will never be found again.
That's not anarchy in the presidential Depends.
And is it really Trump's fault that he still finds Geraldo Rivera irresistible?
No one expects the Spanish MySpace!
Does Merkel identify with Mom like everyone expects or does she identify with the Robot Devil, particularly when Calculon shows up in Robot Hell?
Reluctant upvote from on my knees.
Last time I was in Mexico I had the most marvelous grilled whole octopus with a very rich cascabel chile sauce. Usually I go for the ceviche.
Walruses certainly enjoy the taste of penguin.
I probably wouldn't try dog for the same reason I wouldn't try raccoon. It sounds like it would just be awful. I'm with you on dolphin and whale though and I'm rethinking octopus.
You forgot to mention Yellowstone and all the other natural preserves that TR was responsible for. One of the first things Trump did was to reverse National Monuments.
You'd attract a nun?
Sheriff David Clarke doesn't seem to care when Americans die in his custody.
Actually it was mostly hot there. Now I'm in Krakow and it promises to be hot again.
Only from Against the Wind on. I do not want to go to "Fire Lake".
That's just mean.
The more you know…