
Can we get a "Hate Song" with J Mascis?

So are Corey Feldman and Tommy Wiseau the same person?

Lapsed Catholics are a dime a dozen.

I thought no one cared about basketball anymore.  Didn't Lebron pretty much ruin the entire sport?  I'm not being snarky or sarcastic, this is seriously what I thought, that baseball is number two only to football.

When are we going to get another episode of Bob's Buskers?  I loved the St. Vincent video.

No… they're 13.

You have no idea what twee is, do you?

Embryonic is not even in the top 5. Just because it's experimental, does not make it good.  To me, it sounds like the beginning of Wayne's mid-life crisis.

Is it weird for a network president to be that self-aware?

Good episode but far from the best this season.  Rowan seems to have some weird bias where every Tina-centric episode gets an automatic "A".

My two favorite drinking songs (and drinking and driving songs) are Superchunk's "Driveway to Driveway" and Wilco's "Passenger Side"

Couldn't agree with you more.  So many gems…

Yeah, easily one of the best episodes yet.

I stopped reading Stereogum because they had a best of Beck list that did not include a single Midnight Vultures song, not even Debra.  What kind of madness is that?

What the hell is a Citian?

Hey Perfect Circles,
let's start a band and play only Michigan, Florida & other peninsulas

Teddy may be my current favorite character on television.  Every line is a hit, straight up batting a thousand.  He's reaching a Coach McGuirk level of hilarity.

Thanks guys for not playing Michigan.  It's not like I wanted to see either of your bands.  No, just go ahead and play shows in Rhode Island (which I refuse to acknowledge is a state) and Croatia.

Uh, excuse me, Mr Reposted snpp.com Comments. On the Itchy & Scratchy CD-ROM, is there a way to get out of the dungeon without using the wizard key?

Is it acceptable that my favorite Smith's song is "This Charming Man"?