I think it all depends on when you hear this stuff. Zach thought Elton John was so awesome back in the day. I was lucky enough to purchase the two vault albums when they were first released as my introduction.
I think it all depends on when you hear this stuff. Zach thought Elton John was so awesome back in the day. I was lucky enough to purchase the two vault albums when they were first released as my introduction.
Infernal Affairs was ten times the fun in half the time.
I fell asleep in an empty theater showing The 'Burbs.
The actual theaters at Film Forum are too small, but the selection is excellent.
California Split FTW.
@The Information: agreed. One of my favorite movie experiences ever was watching a 1977 Soviet Film THE ERRORS OF YOUTH / OSHIBKI YUNOSTI, a realist look at a young man's life in the USSR.
The Angelika seems to really hate its clientele, product, suppliers and staff.
Napoleon Dynamite comes to mind, then exits.
Childhood's End: You and your blue haired bbw gf are forever banned from the Young Adult shelves.
This drama sounds way too penny ante to be interesting.
Took a date to "The Cook The Thief His Wife and Her Lover".
What the hell?
Springfield has La Maison Derriere as well. Ooooooo la la.
Her hair reminds me of the mother in Ju-On.
I'm not going to dignify this thread with a comment.
Take her to the Zoo.
Yes. The Newton sucked. Back to Texas Instruments.
Well, I liked it, too.
I've gotta go do my doctor thing!