
I agree with Schmoker.

Dan the Man!
I really enjoyed the first 40 minutes or so as you laid out in your solid review. It could have worked as a half-hour show, if they left out the hooker/sleazy politician story, that would have been great. However, Liz looked damn good in that dress (I am starting to see the world through Dan's eyes,

James Wormsworth is a killer drummer.

Pure Motherfuckin' Magic!
Great interview Nathan! J's honesty is what a good interview is about and his love for his fans is real. While I am not a fan of their music, I respect their drive to entertain their fans who buy the swag and enjoy seeing them. There is a family aspect among the juggalos and for some of

I wondered what that HUGE sucking sound was on Thursday night.

I think that she and Jennifer Aniston should pair up for Thelma & Louise 2: Ghost Whoring

Two tiny details
They got a check the check from the developer for $20,000.00 (not 10k).

I wasn't going to watch…
…but it was Friday night and I enjoyed the original movie, was not a huge fan of the Americanized version however I have a thing for Bridget Fonda.

ED TV…hello?
A TV version of a crappy movie…that sounds about right.

I can See it now…
Middle aged, working on a nice beer gut and quite bitter.

I follow this guy and he really gets the tone of the character right. Funny stuff and he promotes the show as if he is on it.

Joe Francis is my hero!

I agree with Rad Pitt…she was on Kimmel the other night and they are REAL! I would motorboat them!

I guarantee that Tila (or her handlers) thought that this could really be that bad. I mean she has been doing Spring Break parties, biker rallies, and the like since she has been of TV.

The HorroR!

Screw Ellen Page, she would ruin this movie. I thought I was done with her until Inception, but the superior film outweighed her dour presence.

The episode was rather bland lie Ed's food.


It's a shame…
…that Edward Norton is such an A-hole!

I tried…
I thought this would be a procedural time waster until better stuff comes back in the fall…it was bad. I couldn't get behind it and didn't like the actor, he seemed preoccupied with another show?