
I watched this for maybe 20 minutes last night while flipping channels, and hearing Cedric say "It's worth WHAT?" is possibly the most grating thing on TV. Just the unnaturalness of the end of the sentence ticking upward to indicate it's supposed to be a question was so awful.

yeah baby
show is great, keep covering it.

Funny story aboput him…
My girlfriend met Michael Cera at an airport a while back, and through that me and him became friends, talking pretty regularly, and he seemed like a super nice guy. A few weeks later, he said he was in London. After he got back, he sent me an mp3, saying "yeah I jammed with some guys while I

Seriously, The Idiots is so good. The AV Club's review of it is one of my least-favorites on the site.

I'm still waiting for my Death To Smoochy MYOF.

Also worth checking out is another fellow CT band, Hostage Calm. Last year they put out a self-titled full-length on Run For Cover/Panic Records, and it was one of my favorite releases of the year. Most of their early Quicksand-y sound is gone, and in its place is straight up pop. There are so many amazing hooks on

A New Beat… didn't do too much for me, but I think 18.61 is up there with Songs of Separation and Threefold Misery. We just played with them on 1.08 in Brooklyn with Black Kites and Primitive Weapons. It was easily one of the most fun shows we've played.

I've been waiting for something like this column on here. It is very relevant to my interests. Now time for some shameless self promotion: Jason, I know from past articles of yours that you're really into Refused, and I now know that you're also into Cave In. If you throw 108 and early Rage Against The Machine

hell yeah
I thought this pilot was great. I don't now exactly what it is about it, but since watching the episode on Hulu last week, it has really stuck with me and I keep recalling back to it in everyday life. maybe it's the fact that this is a type of sketch show that I feel like I haven't seen before, but I thought

Death To Smoochy
I've been dying for a Death To Smoochy MYOF entry for so long! Please make this happen. I love the movie, although nobody else seems to. I'm hoping you can give it the praise it rightfully deserves (or a good bashing, if you see fit).

Longer reviews!
The longer the reviews, the better. Sometimes short reviews tend to just turn into episode recaps, but when they're longer it's more likely that you'll get some genuine insights into the show that aren't possible with just a few paragraphs.

I really, really, really want to see a MYOF entry on Death To Smoochy. Whenever I mention to anybody that I love that movie, they visibly shudder, but I think it's awesome. I'd love to see your take on it.

I've never seen the original rocky horror, and they took very little time to clarify anything about it to viewers like me. because I'm not familiar with it, all the character switching had me very confused. I thought that Sam was playing the transsexual and I had no idea why the Asian guy was quitting, I had no

this is
really lame. harmony korine is a great filmmaker, and while I can see people not enjoying the film, it's nowhere near more disturbing than some other titles they carry. I think this is more a case of them not seeing artistic value in trash humpers than it actually being too obscene to carry. whatever, lame.

since you'll be in NY…
you should make the short drive up to CT and do one there! If there are going to be the only dates, hopefully I can make it down to NY, but it'd be nice if you did one a bit closer to home for me. Just some food for thought.

since you'll be in NY…
you should make the short drive up to CT and do one there! If there are going to be the only dates, hopefully I can make it down to NY, but it'd be nice if you did one a bit closer to home for me. Just some food for thought.

Last week or the week before, I forget, you mentioned something about the uber-relatability of these characters, and how it hurts them rather than helps them. I was amused my one of Daphne's lines that went something like "I know this is something that nobody in the world can relate to!" that seemed to