
it's like, the man could be screaming ANYTHING and it would work, you know?

typos make me angry too

I'm now extremely curious as to whether these jokes would have been much funnier if I knew anything about Game of Thrones

Upvoted for referencing my favorite childhood series

It's weird that his character has essentially the same backstory in both Community and Breaking Bad

The B-plot was the source of all the good jokes you somehow missed. The A plot was the weak part.

You may have a point. I don't know. Britta seems like the type to get caught up in something without thinking it through.

I agree with the statement "The fact that the group would re-enrolll in Greendale was insultingly stupid" and it's been pissing me off all season but this was a good episode nonetheless.

I was pretty sick of conceptual episodes and a little concerned that the new old regime couldn't handle a "real" Community episode, so I'm pleased.

They totally could have made him say something about half-measures this episode but they are classier than that

that line was streets ahead

It's also doing that to me fyi

Don't end a good post by passive-aggressively calling anyone who downvotes you a troll

You think Anne Frank went to Hell?


The problem with it, and I see this as a present problem in all supposedly "non-linear" CYOC-style video games and books as well, is that aren't you just going to go ahead and watch/read/play every possibility anyway?

In a way, we are all making this choice every time we take the time to post on AVClub

"Turn to page 2."

Ha ha, take THAT, Michael Bay! No longer will you be showered with praise and respect from us sarcastic internet types!