
The belt maneuver?  Are you talking about some kind of David Carradine shit?  :)

Does Dany know he was a slaver?

He also couldn't just leave and go back up north, because the Lannisters had his sisters.  Maybe once he had Jaime he could have considered it, but not before.

Speaking of which - who's got the Baratheon family castle now?  Must be Stannis, right?  He's lord of the Stormlands now?

It's not rocket science.  Guys have clearly come up with it before, it doesn't have to be "learned".

I was going to say the same as not-Bridget - they used the same prayer.  It's clearly the same god.

Tyrion's not in line, Tywin made that pretty clear.  It's Jaime (although they'll have to break the Kingsguard oaths), then it would go to Tywin's brother after that, I think.  And then Tywin's nephews.  Is that Lancel kid still alive?  He'd be next after Tywin's brother I think.

As soon as I saw those, I wondered if that's what Melisandre meant by the blood of the king.  I bet she could use those fetuses for some pretty crazy spells.

Am I the only person who liked Alien 3?  I loved the feel of it.  Kind of hearkened back to the first one for me.  Of course I went in with no expectations - I hadn't seen any of them, and someone lent me the box set, and I watched them all over a period of a couple of weeks.  I know everyone likes Aliens best, but I

They did it.  That's why she asked him if it was his first time.  Also, loved the look on his face when she started describing the dudes she'd slept with.  LOL

If everyone around you smells all the time, you stop noticing it.  She wouldn't smell any worse than anyone else, including Jon.

Selmy was right about Jorah though - it's not going to help Dany to have him by her side when she returns.  If she showed up with Selmy as her main man, that would be something.  Men might flock to Selmy just because of who he is.  But Jorah is a criminal over there, and slavery isn't something that the people of

It adds on to the sympathy from last week, when she was telling Tywin that it's not his sons who understand the importance of the lessons he taught, but his daughter.  If she'd been a boy, she may have been the best of the lot (well, in Tywin's eyes I mean, since he hates Tyrion).  But since she was a girl, she was

Yeah, and now as far as he knows, he doesn't even have a brother to marry into the family.  I guess the deal with Arya marrying in still stands, but since no one knows where Arya is, that deal probably doesn't sound too great to Frey either.

When did he pardon Cat?  At Harrenhaal she was still a prisoner, and now she's out and about?  Is she really pardoned, or is it just because they happen to be at Riverrun which is her family home?

But killing two little boys doesn't exactly avenge his loss.  Staying with Robb and kicking Lannister ass would be a much better revenge.

I think Tywin is free to disinherit his son if he sees fit.  That's generally the case, isn't it?

She's in the cities now, though, not traipsing through a wasteland.

By their rules, I don't think Gendry is the real heir to the throne, though.  He's a bastard so he doesn't count.  There was some mention in Catelyn's monologue a couple episodes ago that Ned could have made Jon Snow a legal son, but since Robert didn't do that and he's dead, it looks like it's not gonna happen. 

Is it a-ok in any culture to talk about your fiance's penis in front of his aunt whom you just met?  I don't think so.  I wouldn't say that was culturally insensitive, just that the other women were being clueless.  If those other models are anything like Nadia, they wouldn't give a shit anyway.