
I am 5'9 on a good day and my fiance is 5'11. She will be wearing heels at the wedding.

Holy Crap it was so much fun!

RIP Comics Alliance. You were a fresh voice.

I have never read this book


Fuck it, I just bought tickets.

*head explodes*

Let us know how it is! I'm going Saturday if I can scrape together 90 or so dollars for the lady and I. Fucking Ticketmaster.

Thank you

This review is wrong. 

No, it's not a joke. But if you want to get all condescending up in this bitch that's fine by me, seems to be your style. Or not, because life is too short so I'll just try to explain my rationale.

Thompkins isn't as good of a stand up as Bill Burr. He's a funny guy, but not as funny a standup.

… and watching, for Pigs on the Wing.

My dog is named Murdock.

This is actually pretty damn good. 

I love this band. Two favorite songs are A letter to Elise and 100 years.

As a born and raised Sacramentan, I can assure you all that we know how great this guy was, and this band is.

My 7th favorite Sierra Adventure game. 

Wasn't going to bother, but I'll give it a shot based on this review. 

I love that album. It's listenable, and totally bonkers, all the way though.