
SPOILERS, kinda.
Mila describes how her and Mark met; in a club, out on the dance floor. Mark knocks her over.
Mark says,"Well, I remember it differently…"
And then it cuts to the Ted and Elaine dance to "Stayin' Alive" in a pirate bar scene from Airplane!, but with Mila and Mark.
It might sound stupid as described, but

SPOILERS, kinda.
Mila describes how her and Mark met; in a club, out on the dance floor. Mark knocks her over.
Mark says,"Well, I remember it differently…"
And then it cuts to the Ted and Elaine dance to "Stayin' Alive" in a pirate bar scene from Airplane!, but with Mila and Mark.
It might sound stupid as described, but

Really good movie. I saw it last week and I laughed through the whole thing and I'm not a big fan of Family Guy. The jokes in the movie are completely juvenile and raunchy but not stale or predictable. The fact that Seth McFarlane could do a shot-by-shot rip off of a scene from Airplane! and make it work blew me away.

Really good movie. I saw it last week and I laughed through the whole thing and I'm not a big fan of Family Guy. The jokes in the movie are completely juvenile and raunchy but not stale or predictable. The fact that Seth McFarlane could do a shot-by-shot rip off of a scene from Airplane! and make it work blew me away.

I could be wrong, but I think that was Peggy in Virginia. Instead of seeing Gay Paree outside her hotel, she sees 2 dogs screwing in the HoJo parking lot.

I could be wrong, but I think that was Peggy in Virginia. Instead of seeing Gay Paree outside her hotel, she sees 2 dogs screwing in the HoJo parking lot.

That's one of the reasons I hated the movie.  I know the Mob could do things like asassinate Moe Green in front of TV cameras and shoot up a toll booth in broad daylight, but using helicoptor gunships to destroy the top floor of a high rise building and get away with it?

9 years old in 1976 and I begged my Mom to take me.  It was glorious.  The fight with the snake was the highlight for me, but the one thing that struck me as I was watching it was the open holding tank Kong was in on the ship.  I wondered how they expected to transport oil across the ocean without it sloshing all over

Walla Walla Wash and Kalamazoo!