
If her cyst had already burst, would they need to operate? Couldn't they just give her meds to cure any related infection?

Don can't fly, but like Ida Blankenship, he's an astronaut. Even PFC Dinkins caught that.

Remember the Belle Jolie campaign in season 1, when Don froze and wasn't inspired until the clients were halfway out the door?  He handled those clients - who didn't like the campaign - the same way he handled Sylvia in the hotel room.

I wished they'd taken the cannoli (Marge), left the guns (Peggy's immature, amateurish, untalented, insubordinate copywriters).

At least Jessica Pare's jobs were clearly defined (receptionist, secretary). Bob Benson never seems to have any specific work to do or clients to schmooze.

I considered that; I also thought maybe she'd gotten an infection from an IUD or STD. (Making out with guys you've just met, who specialize in hook-ups at the Electric Circus, can't be overly sanitary. Then -ew- Joan kisses her baby with that mouth.)

It's important for Joan to exploit the larger staff and reorganization to distance herself from her admin. role and embrace the COO/CFO/Partner roles.

Dawn's dealing with timecards and supplies!


I so agree.

In season 1, when Peggy was a newly-hired secretary, she asked Joan for advice when Don was out screwing Midge, while Betty and Don's kids sat in his office.  Joan (after urging Peggy to spill the beans) told Peggy never to share such things.

Dawn - newly appointed mistress of timecards and supplies - no doubt had her hands full with that task.

Since things keep repeating themselves this season, I'm wondering whether the Sherry Netherland might mail the red dress Sylvia left behind to the Rosens' home or to Don's home or office with a note, and for the wrong person to receive it, read the note, and wreak havoc (as Pete tried to do with Adam's box o' Dick

@Thomas R: Agreed. Don used to do that, too. Once upon a time. Remember the arcane info he mastered about Hawaiian myths?

True. And if Don-the-rock-amidst-the-rushing-torrent waits patiently, he'll see the bodies of his enemies float by.

One of the callbacks that most touched me this ep. was Sylvia's concern for the son she can't reach in Paris (where the students are rioting), which parallels Don's concern for Sylvia, whom he couldn't reach in D.C. (where there was rioting after MLK's death).

And I liked that brief choking thang Ted did with the engine, after reaching sunlight and smooth sailing.  I'm no aviator, but I thought that was purposeful (like a bully's fake-lunge at a sissy).

Don's Ted's wingman.

@bumblebee:disqus - LIKE.

One of the secretaries answered the phone with the greeting: "Sterling Cooper Draper Cutler Gleason Chaugh" (or something like that).  They should change it to "WE" or "Flood" (with all the doubling).