Tits? Don't you mean "sugar tits"?
Tits? Don't you mean "sugar tits"?
I still submit that Merle was never truly sure he was going to turn Michonne over.
UPDATE: I just read a Dalton Ross interview at Inside TV dated 3/27 (" 'Walking Dead': Michael Rooker talks about the demise of Merle Dixon and life as zombie Merle"), in which Rooker says Merle's initial plan was to "use…
And he couldn't stop…he had to get the car started so he could turn off the alarm before even MORE walkers arrived.
I was so sad to see Merle's car sitting still and silently with the door open.
I'm surprised the darn thing still worked. Clumsy as those walkers are, I'd have thought they'd bumped into the car so often they'd have kept triggering the alarm until it killed the battery.
Do the women in Rick's group eat enough to prevent the slowing or cessation of menstruation? And if they are menstruating, shouldn't they be using rewashable rags?
I liked those characterizations, too. But how do we know those were acting choices and not directors' or writers' choices?
Carol profoundly affected Merle, too, in that she made him recognize Daryl was a late bloomer who'd blossomed with Rick's group (and that Merle - who wasn't going to change - would never fit in and would only hold Daryl back from being all that he could be).
I was surprised at how saddened I was by Merle's fate (before Daryl even had a chance to react). But I'm not sure having Merle around longer would have been useful. Plus, he can always stop by again as an hallucination.
I rewatched "Chupacabra" tonight,= and was vividly reminded why I can't stand that blonde byotch. (The character Andrea, not the actress.)
I thought the military angle, coupled with the contempt for authority, would eventually pay off. Plus, I KNEW Merle would somehow have to collaborate with or somehow show a soft side to a black and/or female character; he was portrayed as too rabidly racist and misogynistic for that not to happen.
Make that eight (8), Gov sez. Plus Merle may have pissed off The Governor even more than Andrea did, and that's got to count for something.
I'm fiending for the next episode like a walker smelling live meat!
I'd like to see Rick and Michonne get together. They've got so much in common (below-average communication skills, talking with dead people, warrior-survivors, fed up with Andrea).
You didn't recognize Allen and Ben?
Definitely wasn't asthma kid; definitely was Allen's son, Ben, now known as Merle-snack.
Classic case of groupthink.
And ghost Lori didn't appear until Rick overheard Hershel praying with his daughters…'though I recall Rick's telling Hershel at the farm that Rick's faith had been shaken.
True that. But not the first time Daryl has wanted to kill a member of the group who was bitten. In fact, after the fish fry was overrun at the quarry, only Dale agreed with Daryl's instinct to put down Jim and Amy.
I felt exactly the same way. And Merle's banter along the way (cynically stating, "Give peace a chance", and "Don't get your hopes up [about being released]) were merely Merle's way of yanking Michonne's chain. ''