
My reaction:  Rick had read the Gov as a megalomaniacal bully with a sense of self-importance even bigger than Andrea's, and was merely trying to push dude's buttons.

When in the TV show did Andrea say she was an ex-civil rights lawyer?  Or is that something folks know from the comics?

@herald: [His reply to: Dogs would have become walker chow…"] Or people chow.

No, they'll end up leaderless first, then dead.

Dunno. But a necktie on a doorknob means hanky-panky's underway inside.

Not to mention your first and second-in-line in the succession plan.

Guv drove himself. Control freak?

Bet Beth can't wait for New Pants Day. Did you see her getup?

I wish Rick and his group would just go back to Rick/Morgan's town, maybe to live in the sheriff's station. They could eat kudzu and use the dried vinestalks as weapons and to build perimeters.

Rick's reaction to hearing about the Gov's dead wife: I'll drink to that. [But I feared he'd be poisoned.]

Yo' mama's so stank she repels walkers.

Except, she's so self-important, she prob'ly thought:
(1) Leaving with Rick will cause a showdown on the spot (reality check: it wouldn't have - the Governor cares more about torturing Michonne than about bedding Andrea), and
(2) She's got a plan (silly wabbit).

Agreed.  Made me glad Michonne didn't share any deep or personal secrets with that blabby blonde. But I'm not surprised Tyreese's group sang like canaries. I think the Governor was trying to use what he knew to push Rick into another psychotic break.

Like a bantam rooster. Can't stand that strut. She sure didn't walk that way when hanging out in the wild with Michonne, or when Rick's group worked her over before bringing her into the prison.

Hard to tell which had more influence on Maggie's feeling she "can't go back there":  b/c Hershel let her infer that the Governor had raped Maggie….or because the Governor humiliated her by kicking her out, and he witnessed Rick do the same.

Would be nice, but there was no telling how many soldiers the Governor might have had stationed around the site.

Widower, father, farmer, veterinarian, recovering alcoholic, voice of conscience, voice of reason, crack shot, consiglieri, peg-leg with a hippie ponytail. What more could one want?


In their case, it was a necktie on the doorknob.