
Bear in mind, Rick's psychotic break aside, Rick had no grounds to either trust or distrust Tyreese's group, but past history showed it was dangerous to trust strangers.  And - unbeknownst to Rick - two members of Tyreese's group indicated they were NOT trustworthy.

Second best Michonne ep.  I'd liked her when she was first introduced and thenon the road with Andrea: badass, yet caring. It wasn't til she got to Stepford -er, Woodbury, that the writing for her character began to bug me.

Tyreese's group, for leaving it up to Rick to decide whether or not they could stay. :)

Maggie's the babysitter and she waits on her dad hand and foot. (pun intended)

'Course not.  It's the Governor…haven't you read my journal?

I totally agree, but for one thing.  Both Rick and Michonne have characteristically had communication problems (which maybe explains some of the trouble in Rick and Lori's marriage). He stayed in character by holding back relevant info w/ Morgan, much as Michonne showed she's still pithy, despite having warmed up to

Kinda like 99.9% of the walkers.

No way the hitchhiker survived for a year on his own. He gear looked new, and I suspect he recently struck out on his own after his place/group was overrun (like Hershel's farm or the Georgia quarry). Surprised he made it as far as he did.

Except perhaps relocating to Rick's old town (maybe to the police station), what's the alternative to staying in the prison?  The group was down to one owl and dog food, and was getting chased from house to house before reaching the prison.

I was unfamiliar with the "clear" concept in Scientology, until reading about in TWD forums.  Then I looked it up, and it does seem to fit!

About the editing/continuity - agreed.

Especially once liquored up.

Gawping at a live deer almost got Carl killed.

Precisely. And the Governor would never think to look for Rick in his hometown.

@miles_underground: Exactly what I was thinking, plus leave some notes for him on the wall.

I wish they'd do TWD interviews and appearances in their "southern" accents.

For me, the only flaw was Michonne's ninja/magic quick-retrieval of the photo and cat in the cafe.

And I though the purpose of the hitchhiker was to prove Morgan's point about "survivors" (and also show the contrast between him/Rick and Morgan).  Here was a guy who would not relent in his desire to survive, and he died as a result.  Meanwhile, Morgan doesn't have anything

Yes.  And then he was forced to put them BOTH down. Yikes. As Kurtz said, "The horror!"

That alone - minus the zombie apocalypse and all - would be enough to drive some people batty.