the landstander

Dear Dan Savage…

Fair enough. That's commitment, right there.

I love Super Hans's casual drug use.

Right? Its on netflix now, how is remaking it for a boutique cable channel going to help?

Aw, I thought it was funny. I never watched the show, but I'm a sucker for stupid puns.

I just cut mine off once I get home and keep them in a baggie out of (apparently gross) nostalgia.

Well, not that, just a Monty Python joke

And so's my wife!

I'm very concerned about the lack of buggy whips in the upper atmosphere, do that one next.

Or I'll picture the scene not how it was in the movie, but how a cartoon referenced it. I watched The Shining for the first time recently, which was a weird experience after seeing the Simpsons parody so many more times.

I keep undermining social situations when I reveal I'm familiar with something because of cartoons. I can quote from Reagan's speech about the Challenger disaster because of American Dad.

Yep, both barrels worth of farm, straight in its adorable face.

They're all tuckered out from interviewing Good Charlotte.

I can't lose!

Somehow I doubt my having kids would result in similar hilarious ennui. No sale.

Yeah, the appeal of these is totally lost on me.

SQG likes to encourage intruders.

Weird, right? I guess rage-views are still page views.

After Clerks, any other mention of snowballs is benign.