Joaquin Tall

Tell 'em about the Twinkie!

Nathan, have you covered or considered covering I'll Do Anything for MYOF? My wife and I were discussing that movie in the car and it struck me as a good subject with an interesting story.

Bjork smells like fishes!
It's a pun!

Is Naked Rashomon a porno told from varying perspectives?

As does Michael Vick.

Fighting: From the Oscar-Winning creators of Shouting, Crying, and Holocausting, and the laugh-out-loud comedies Falling, Farting and Sexing.

MST3K- Future Gateway to Geekery subject?
Also, if you're going to do the obsessed-over musicians, Tom Waits and Elvis Costello. Or do they have Primers already?

AC/DC. The only AC/DC on iTunes are covers. How is it that there are AC/DC covers, but no original AC/DC? How can we live in a world where this happened? Where's my messiah now?
How about now?

Haven't heard the Simpsons, but my favorite for a TV series would be Mr. Show. There was a long stretch where I'd only watch those DVDs with the commentary, especially when Paul F. Tompkins and Jay Johnston would re-dub some of the weaker sketches.

Most importantly, does he have teamwork, insight, brutality, male enhancement, handshakefullness, and play hard?