NBC is the new Orange

Up until this episode, I felt that Leslie was the true villain of this year's anthology. But now, it seems like there are multiple ones. Eric's mother's villainy is the evil that ignorance perpetrates; while Leslie's is a self-aware, calculating evilness. Kudos to Felicity Huffman and Lilly Taylor for their superb

Totally, all that you said. I've been thinking the same thing. And after Kevin's daddy's melt down thinking his son was gay, it seems like perhaps daddy had been suspecting something "peculiar, or should I say queer" about his son all along.

That is not Fine, Larry.

That would be Damien Lewis' "little Brody" in the nude swimming pool scene at the beginning each week?

Is an outtake when one takes his dick out? Great review, Dennis. Agreed with every word. A very disappointing season opener.

It probably wasn't just Stamos' character that felt threatened by him. Have to disagree with the reviewer—weakest episode thus far on a rather engaging series. A mediocre "C" from this disappointed fan.

I was hoping to see the obsessive manner that Sheldon would have utilized in taking precautions for safe sex. It would have ruined the sweet moment between them, but it would probably have been funny.

His wife was the Taiwanese version of a combination of Leona Helmsley and Imelda Marcos.

I would love to see Evan Peters and Dennis O'Hare in a traditional sit com playing a married couple in the roles they inhabit on this show. To me, their characters are the best thing about this crazy, silly show. Evan is so over the top and so committed to his role that he makes me laugh every time he's on screen, and

Somehow he needs to join the revival of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Yes, but they all unite in their pride for the Father of the Scandanavian Automobile Industry: Henrich Fjord. He was no Pontiac Bandit, although a little Fascist.

with one leg on a bench

Yes, and the actress on "Ash" looks like she could be the love child of Gina and Rosa.

I think you used the "disassociative polarlity" logic on that one.

I think he is branching out into acting in film. Hopefully, he just used his "music" as a springboard to better things. BTW, I thought this episode was "A+" awesome.

Obviously, they are not fans of Hans Muslim Anderson.

Scottacus was fabulous. All it was lacking from the real series was full frontal nudity. Thanks Obama!

Jim Meeks' voice and stage presence were horrible—how did he get the role? Nora looks like Patty Andrews and Meryl Streep had a baby together. Great episode. Great series. As evil and sinister as he is, I bet William Peterson is a vegetarian, too.

Pretty sure it was Tom Sorvo asking for help on the kickstarter campaign for MST3K.

It's reached the point where I think it would be sadistic of Virginia, and masochistic of me to watch a Season Four where she finally marries Bill. If Masters was truly as horrible as the writers have written him the past couple of seasons, then I have no respect for Virginia in continuing this charade with a puppet