Derek Noakes

This an incredibly stupid assertion, written by someone who clearly hasn't seen enough live comedy. Hell, I could listen to a comic I like tell a joke I like and still not laugh if they're having an off night.

That's because standup comedy isn't a participatory experience unless the comedian makes it one. Comics make it pretty clear when they're doing crowd work. And unless they are, you should shut the fuck up because they were given a microphone and you were not.

This may very well be the best episode of Girls I've ever seen, if not for the hospital scene alone. I don't know if it's just how it was directed, but I felt like I was going to have a panic attack just watching it. Really powerful stuff.


I never really cared for the Pixies version until they reunited back in 2004. On that tour they had Kim Deal sing the lead vocals and it was amazing. I think her haunting take on it was a lot more powerful than Frank Black's yelps were. For that song at least.

Seriously? A short that will likely last no more than a few minutes for the sake of charity will ruin the legacy of the show? Drama queen, much?

Have you seen Derek? It's quite good. Much better than Life's Too Short. I've (clearly) been a fan of the character for some time, but I personally think it's one of the best things he's ever done.

The Ricky Gervais backlash on this site is insane. Also, the irony of people repeatedly complaining about the same things, specifically that a celebrity is resting on their laurels and repeating themselves…well, it's evidently been lost on the entire commentariat here at AVC.

Then don't watch it? Seems pretty cut and dry.

I don't really look at it as a continuation of the series proper, which was about much more than just David Brent. It'll likely just be a fun little short, and hopefully much more rewarding than the character's cameo on the US Office.

Ninja Turtles pizza.

Additionally, I think that most songs chosen so far haven't been much of a surprise. I'd personally like to hear popular artists shit all over the indie stuff we fawn over rather than the other way around. As it stands, they've mostly just been preaching to the choir.

I was once in a cover band that made me play "Jack and Diane" twice in one night. Two times. Let that soak in, and you may see where my blind rage for that song comes from.

I'm always a fan of this feature, but it's surprising to me that no one has yet landed on the correct answer to this question, which is always "Jack and Diane". Seriously. Try to name a song that's worse. You can't.

Did anyone ever take the COMMUNITY SUCKS! meme seriously?

One time when we were in the process of moving we had to keep our dog at the new house in a fairly small pop up fenced area. He dug his way out, ran away, and scared the hell out of us. I went to work, and sure enough, when my dad came home he was waiting for him at the door, in the pouring rain, tail also wagging.

One time when we were in the process of moving we had to keep our dog at the new house in a fairly small pop up fenced area. He dug his way out, ran away, and scared the hell out of us. I went to work, and sure enough, when my dad came home he was waiting for him at the door, in the pouring rain, tail also wagging.

I'm sorry that my attempt at a joke didn't have the sufficient level of irony to satisfy @avclub-0156b2354dbfac532599c5d359cb4f9b:disqus .

I'm up to 5 and that's when I realized I'm pretty lucky to have seen it. However if I never have to sit through a 30 minute encore of Broken Chairs again, I'll be pretty happy.

It's not really fair to compare Community to the return of Arrested Development at all. They're trying a fresh start after years and years of a rabid fanbase building anticipation. Community has been off the air for less than a year. Plenty of shows go through that these days and still live up to the hype.