Max Beerbong

50 Cent…? Sounds like a Tidal royalty check! FOLKS!

But seriously, folks,

Space Robot's not on board.

Ellen's brother?

I thought it was the "yarp" guy from Hot Fuzz.

Who do I talk to about buying the movie rights to the @SarcasticWineMommy twitter feed??

Why, you don't like Breaking Bad? Because Paul loves chemicals so much, he's like Walter White over here!

I'm hoping they don't all have to inexplicably run into celebrities quite so often as they did in the later seasons either. Although I'm guessing there aren't quite so many recognizable stars clamoring to be in it now as there were during its ratings heyday, so probably that problem will solve itself.

This. Ain't. Over.

I sure never saw Pizzolatto mention him in any interviews prior, during or after the accusations - except extremely cagily when questioned directly about it. Don't see any citations in your comment?

Cool, only 25 more years to wait until True Detective season 3 then.

It's a thinker.

For the copied dialogue? http://lovecraftzine.com/20… has a pretty comprehensive side-by-side. Some of them are just shared ideas or "inspired-bys" which are totally normal for any work, but a lot of them are just wholesale repetitions or very-slight rephrasings.

Yeah, it's the classic problem - a lifetime to create your first work, six months to create your second. The drop in caliber of the leads definitely contributed too. Monaghan, McConaughey and Harrelson are probably three of the finest actors working today and the cast for season 2 just didn't come close.

I mean… some of the most iconic dialogue on the show was blatantly taken almost word-for-word from other works, so I don't know that it was completely baseless. I don't think it detracts from the artistry of the first season though - the way they used it was still masterful, I feel, and there was a hell of a lot of

I think - I think - the show they're a part of is set in and filmed in Hawaii. I could be wrong, but that's what I heard.

Maybe the problem was that so much of the great stuff from the first season was ripped from elsewhere and recontexualized and paraphrased to fit their narrative, but they got so much shit for plagiarism after people in the press pointed it out that they wanted to prove they could make a great season without

Guys… there's not going to be a season 3. I mean, is there? There isn't. It's dead. It's over. It's somebody's memory of a TV show, and the memory is fading. Only reason they're still talking about it coming back is obviously it's programming, and it lacks the constitution for suicide. It's a season that should not

You know what? It's obviously an unpopular opinion, but I'm with you on liking ASM. Spider-man's my all-time favorite hero and I prefer Garfield's interpretation of him to Maguire's by a long shot.

It looks like one of those costume variants they come up with just for the toy line. "Spider-Man: Cyber Infiltration Suit"