The Alpher and the Omegger

I'm A Ding-Dong Twinkle Daddy From Dumas!

I'm A Ding-Dong Twinkle Daddy From Dumas!

The whosit whatsit now?

The whosit whatsit now?



Dane Cook… Demetri Martin…?

Dane Cook… Demetri Martin…?

Or why all the sound effects were backwards, but speech isn't?

Or why all the sound effects were backwards, but speech isn't?

"Also, anyone else notice it's actually episode 192? What's with that?"

"Also, anyone else notice it's actually episode 192? What's with that?"

No dice, pally!

No dice, pally!

Masuka to Pitch-Bot:
" 'Hamfist.' He he he he he.  I'll show you a ham fist!"

Masuka to Pitch-Bot:
" 'Hamfist.' He he he he he.  I'll show you a ham fist!"

Lisa was born in 1984.
Bart was born in 1981.

Lisa was born in 1984.
Bart was born in 1981.

There used to be, then "That '90s Show" happened.

There used to be, then "That '90s Show" happened.