
I feel the same way. I've always liked the characters—people would complain about Kate or Jack for one reason or another, but I've always been attached to all of them. I though this was a great way to end the show.

Yes, it was always about the characters.

Absolutely agreed.

Almost all of the awakening scenes got to me—that and all the beer I drank—I've been crying like a baby all night.

I know what you mean. I've been avoiding as many potential spoilers as possible (although it's hard for me to avoid the comments here). I think I'm going to go into total lock down.

it'll be like this
Ziff Wizzel comes home from a long day of work at the shipyards. Ziff's wife, Loomo hands him a plate of dinner.

I agree—I liked this episode a lot and I like to see Jack full of faith.

similar end to last week
I liked the ending where Jack stepped to the side to see Ben around Hurley, it reminded me of Not Locke doing the same to see Kate last week. Both had odd looks, like they couldn't decide if this meant trouble. I guess this is setting up a Jack vs. Smokey battle.

kid's comment
When the kid told Not Locke, "Remember the rules, you can't kill him," I thought maybe he meant Sawyer.

I was initially thrown by all the new on-Island characters as well (new Others), but then I remembered that Cindy, etc. had to be somewhere on the island and the Temple was the most likely place. We've been waiting for this location and these other characters for a while. Even though they may seem at first a bit like

I really liked this episode. To me it was a decent way to end the series. I choked up a little at Echo's breakdown, too.

Cud we please move on?

Cum Shot Investigation
Curb Your Erection

I'll agree that Donato's pizza is pretty good for a fast food chain. I haven't had Little Caesar's or Domino's in so long I can't really remember them (although I used to like Little Caesar's). I have always enjoyed getting Papa John's, but I don't think it's as good now (maybe that's just my tastes changing).

This movie just worked for me. I'm not sure it would hold up to a second viewing, but my wife and I were very creeped out after seeing it. I remember taking a shower after seeing it and being afraid to keep the shower curtain closed all the way.

RichardD, I get sleep paralysis from time to time, and it's really freaky. It's so upsetting to me while I'm having an "episode" that I typically wake myself up fully by screaming or yelling hoarsely. It wakes up my wife, too, but she's used to it by now.

I was thinking it would be cool (but tricky to work out) if Ben did remember Sayid, etc. from 1977, and it was part of what was motivating him in his dealings with them.

"So—Ben was going to use Locke as a way to get back on island, but when Locke mentioned Eloise was the way back, Ben changed plans? Nasty son of a bitch"

Maybe Locke asked Abaddon to find Walt.

How did the scratches on Locke's face heal while he was dead?