
I don't really feel like Katya lost S7, because she wasn't in the Top 3. If she had been (replacing Pearl or Ginger, let's say) it would have been a whole new ballgame. S7 Katya was really good, but, by her own admission, AS2 Katya is light years better.

Sometimes these All-Stars seasons can seem like excuses to give a a win to a contestant who didn't come out on top in their own season. That's how it felt when Chad won All-Stars 1; that's how it felt when Mondo won Project Runway All-Stars 1, like they designed a whole show around the idea that Mondo was robbed.

Deep breath…

Lady Breastplate would soon die that submit to an antiquated courtship ritual! Prepare to be impaled on something. A trident? Maybe run through with a halberd.

Actually the more I look at it, it looks less like a breastplate and more like a little strip of armor across the top, kind of outlining the top of the breastal area. So… maybe it's not totally ridiculous, cause I'm sure her wetsuit is made of Atlantean polymers stronger than steel, that our Land Science couldn't

Plus it's got the seemingly requisite Lady Breastplate. Cause that's how you know she's got breasts!

Yeah, seriously, no Wire? The first three are essential; I'd include A Bell is a Cup… in that category as well.

I mean the deeply imaginatively titled Singles 1996–1997.

They're on my list to pick up, but I never see them when I feel like buying them.

Ouch, that is awkward.

I need to fill out my Wedding Present collection. I have everything through Hit Parade, and everything since Take Fountain. That leaves Watusi and Saturnalia (and Cinerama, which I didn't get into that much). Seamonsters is the pinnacle for me as well.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is obviously incredibly talented. But his whole demeanor, his self-effacing, "What, me? How did I even get here?" thing just drives me crazy. He's basically a sentient humble-brag.

The Spanish version of the cover is so so so much worse. It's really a classic example of how sexuality is demonized while violence is totally Ok.

I'm pretty sure plenty of teenage boys were catapulted into puberty by that cover.

I find really overtly sexual album covers kind of hilarious, because there's that What Were They Thinking? quality; take Mom's Apple Pie, for example. Did they really think that was going to fly?

It was actually almost tolerable. I think because it was less of a traditional song and more of a collection of sassy comments. Ru's songs usually stumble because they're trying so hard to be good and vaguely meaningful that they end up being awful.

Alaska's going to win. Even after all the Rolaskatox bullshit, Shelentmethistop-gate, and her meltdown this episode, she's clearly been the most consistently great out of all the queens.

Right, we've never really seen Alaska under this kind of pressure. But the shift in personality between Alaska comfortable and Alaska in danger was enormous. It wasn't just that she was anxious; she turned into a petulant child. Yeah, we know you're good. Everybody knows that she "deserves" to be in the finale. But to

For me it's pretty much impossible to be invested in either of the teams, since the whole social experiment aspect of this season is basically a raft of bullshit. The divisions are blatantly artificial—some millennials don't have conventional, 9–5 jobs! Gen-X'ers type out "you" instead of "u" when they're

So that was harrowing. Between Alyssa and Detox's grief, and Alaska's huge shitfit at the end, I was pretty much wrecked. It turns out that when Alaska's in the bottom she's a total mess. Now, I'm sure the stress is killer at this point of the competition, and everybody is just frayed and exhausted, but it was