
If I was the actor who plays Kevin, I'd sue their asses off for what the writers have done to that character. Painful.

I am constantly marathoning Frasier. Glad I'm not the only one.

I do love love love Megan Hilty and I like Tom. The rest of 'em, meh.

wow - giving me chills.

Same here - I have a whole fantasy conceived around the notion that I live in Stars Hollow and hang out with Lorelei and Rory watching movies.

My guilty pleasure is this show, since Xmas 2012 when I was sick as a damn dog and watched the whole series. I like this show! Kills me to say it.

GG ftw! Agreed on S7, though. It was a dark time.

I started out liking McPhee. Until I realized that she has one facial expression. Then I fell in love with Hilty. but I'm not sure even she can get me past any more eps of this increasingly godawful wreck.

Jack shaved! Wow, he's sort of handsome. Now lose the "I'm working class" hoodie, and you might get interesting.

Has anyone else noted the Sweetums-brand condom? ftw!

That uke scene with Sutton Foster and her bro was so lovely! This show is starting to work for me.

Agreed -and I couldn't stand him at first.

This show waaaaaaay jumped the shark this season. I'm warnin' you, people. Dull as the proverbial box o' rocks.

Project Free TV

"Pacey and Olivia" - love it!

Jeez, fifty isn't that old. Did you expect they would be using walkers?

That makes sense to me - she had a knowing look at the end.


I love love love how Michelle's character is developing - I'm appreciating her, rather than missing Lauren Graham. However, I just can't get into any of the girls. They feel like they're in a completely different show to me. I find it a little baffling.

Portland is totally better than Seattle, by the way, and I live in Seattle. However, both suck because of the weather.