The Contrarian.


That was the scene I was referring to.


I agree, the start was promising. I'd describe the score as sub-Hans Zimmer. The sad fact is that the Dark Knight has more dissonance and is more surprising than this.

Are you repostedyoutubecomments in disguise?

Jeff has been really poor this season. His charm has just vanished.

I don't think I can watch any Hannibal related television show or film that does not have Anthony Hopkins.


I agree. That voicemail stole the episode.

You see an alien snake, you pet it. He was just unlucky, that's all.

Why did you dislike this episode so much?

Apparently, before production, Harmon warned Chevy against playing his usual wise-ass character; yet as the show progressed, Chevy/Pierce turned into the very monster Harmon was trying to prevent from emerging. 

I largely agree with your last sentence and I think objectivity is an illusion anyway. It's impossible to be 'objective' when describing an emotional reaction to a tv -show. Its inherently subjective.

Perhaps they just genuinely didn't enjoy it that much?

Probably the best episode of this season.

I never met him but he did, on a few occasions, respond to my comments on his blog.

This death has really hit me.

I agree. If Piers Morgan is the best limey tv host out there, just imagine how bad this Stephen Fry must be.

Late Night with Chevy Chase would be 5 nights a week of "Ricky Gervais meets Gary Shandling".

Damn you IMDB!