Have you seen the version of A Clockwork Orange where Wendy Carlos' score is replaced with selections from the MC Hammer discography?
Have you seen the version of A Clockwork Orange where Wendy Carlos' score is replaced with selections from the MC Hammer discography?
Thanks buddy, I'll check that out.
"They also took place in ancient Greece, way before the middle ages, and so were not medieval."
No, by original CD I meant the released album. I've yet to come across a lossless version of the unreleased record.
I've always wanted a good quality lossless version of that unreleased record. As it is, I've kept the original CD.
I had a dream I was in a relationship with Ellen Page.
Have you never caught a rerun of Friends?
Xena was set in Ancient Greece the same way Game of Thrones is set in England.
I told my girlfriend the final season of Breaking Bad was starting this week. She cooked a nice meal, got it all prepared. I got the tv set up.
Puppet Yoda or GTFO.
There's a special place in hell for pedants.
I pity you.
'This decision to replace Mandy Moore with Kristen Schaal represents a bold new initiative in TV development called “thinking about stuff first.”'
I like it. It reminds me of one those great Soviet era Polish film posters.
I love it when people suggest teenagers kill themselves!
It's needs a good remastering. As it is, it's unlistenable.
It's sarcasm, 10cities. You have yet to ascend to the level of irony.
I can see Danny DeVito in it. Once you see Bob Hoskins in a movie, its pretty easy to see DeVito in the role.
That's a really good point. This issue must be addressed.