
Right. This was also my thinking.

We're figuring it out, and I will post whatever I know in "office of the XO" next week.

I was also wondering about that.

The notion that the Arab world is "dangerous and foreign" is precisely what I take issue with.


Yes! I forgot about that study last night, but let me look into it for next week—the Kings are so aware of the dialogue around politics.

Apparently because of CABARET? But yes, it is like, different.

Which is, so far, the only discernible biological difference between Cylons and humans. Which is a weird thing to hinge a whole inter-species war on!

Oh man—I even had closed captioning on, and it spelled it "combing." Fixing now. Thanks, neurozach!

Errors in BLACK JESUS and THE BRIDGE blurbs fixed. Sorry everyone, sleep deprivation this week.

The royal "we" is SACROSANCT.

How many seasons of Law & Order: SVU are there?

the same music at the end of last season, too.

kafkaesque, for sure. I didn't notice that earlier, but even Cary's journey to prison is a metamorphosis, right?

I mean, if Alicia Florrick, mother of two teenagers, can get with Matthew Goode's Finn Polmar, there is hope for all of us old people in the world.

It is obvious, but I think that could be part of the charm. Will and Alicia were also somewhat obvious, and resisting the tension of "everyone expects this to happen" offered a lot of insight into Alicia's character.

My take, which I got into more detail about above, is that the show wants to offer a glimpse into the lives of the disenfranchised, and is doing so by placing one of our until-now privileged characters into that space. The show has already worked to make so many moments of this funny that I think it's not going to

EVEN BETTER. I didn't have a preview with my screener, and my DVR can never figure out the football time-delay, so I missed that. I am really, really looking forward to his role on the show.

And Taye Diggs and Gloria Steinem are making an appearance in episode three, I believe.