I wonder if Dan remembered this today…and what went through his mind if he did.
I wonder if Dan remembered this today…and what went through his mind if he did.
I've never seen an entire episode of Grey's Anatomy or Private Practice, but caught one episode of Scandal several months ago and enjoyed it for the most part. It might be a good summer catch-up type thing.
ABC must be the network for exhausted women. I haven't had a day off work since April 26th, and all I want to do is drink some tea, give myself a manicure, and watch six episodes of Revenge back-to-back. Or B23. Something.
Aww…Yo! MTV Raps. I miss those days too.
Haha, I knew what that was without clicking the link and whoa I'm getting some memory pops on that one! That video used to play all.the.time. on Rap City back in the day.
Aw, thank you CZ'ers for your care and concern. I saw your email this morning. I'm grateful to report that I'm okay, my family is okay, and all my friends and loved ones in the OKC metro are also okay. The lieutenant governor just said 101 survivors were ID'd overnight from various storm shelters, but rescue/recovery…
Shooter's bounce. Reminded me of last year's playoffs with Dallas.
God, I love that man.
Congratulations on the 16 weeks of sobriety! I'm somewhere near there. Haven't had a drop since Jan 1st = longest dry stretch since my (very) early twenties. Feels pretty damn good.
Oh yes, please.
I might've let a four-letter word slip over that call…
@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus Those ears….those eyes! I'm smitten.
This is wonderful :)
Replace the words nuclear engineering with microbiology/virology, and you are me four years ago. It hurts like hell, sucks, and takes forever, but you will eventually find your way. Or at least some form of contentment in life.
Congrats to the Louisville women too. Nicely done. How cute were they when (my future husband!) Kevin Durant surprised them in the locker room after that win? http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Time for the annual spring/summer of misery and depression!
Happy Birthday, Roobles!
Inspiring. I had no idea about Siva's background. Shades of Juan Dixon there.
Loved how Varidel kept pushing hard on offense tonight, right up to the end.
I hope so, Occams! I think the majority of the attention being focused on Fla Gulf Coast has actually helped deflect pressure from Wichita State. They've been going about their business with little fanfare so far. They are certainly capable of beating Ohio State, but I'm looking for them to tighten up and be a little…
Meanwhile, I'm really enjoying watching the Wheat Shockers win right now.