Insignificant Other

"Don't look at my boobs. Look at my ass! Ay yi yi."

Fine by me as long as they swallow afterwards.

Is this really a thing?

Not to mention abstruse.

"New jokes?" Someone hold me back!

Thus the brownies. I want to bathe in the chaos. I'll wait for the blu ray to make sense of it all.

No, but She Hate Me and Red Hook Summer certainly were.

I'm excited. This could be another Da Sweet Blood of Jesus.

Pete + Trudy 4ever

Coincidentally, Grandpa Gene was 73 when he died.

She will appear to… externally.

Didn't you see Liar, Liar?

More than OK. He'll be a well paid big fish in a little pond with the ability to jet off anywhere he desires anytime he wants.

It would have been more fun if he had typed, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

I think it's a misdirect. Remember how Megan was supposed to be killed by Charlie Manson once she moved into the Hollywood Hills?

Benjamin Button Syndrome.

War Pigs gets my vote.

And don't forget Jimmy Barrett. But at least he got his comeuppance on Don for cuckolding him. But the others? Saints by comparison to all the screwed up gentiles.

Burt was replaced by an alien?

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea!