God is dead.
God is dead.
AI was terrible. It looked pretty, as all Spielberg movies do, but the last half hour was so cringe inducing it was comical.
And the Bible.
The same way that many people completely missed the point of Scarface.
I thought Shrek had that dubious honor.
I didn't even see it and I'm going to agree with you.
Right again as usual. Although some LOTR fans might have a bone to pick.
Yeah, that woman is way off base.
I've farted better movies than The Master. Not as easy as it sounds, BTW. But definitely doable.
No problem.
I have an IQ over 130, so I'm going to posit that fans of The Master are dumb.
I guess I'm a lazy film viewer.
Everyone's opinions are wrong! Except mine.
Different strokes for different folks, I'd say.
School of Rock was the only one of his I'd watch again.
It was areal downer of a movie, but very well made and entertaining for its depiction of the 60's era folk scene.
The movie I wrote should have been produced and put on this list.
They see the name Richard Linklater and start salivating.
And not a moment too soon, I'd say.