The Period Monster

It was never constant, it was once every 24 hours. Their game sharing features were also arguably better than their current setup, or ps4's.

Kind of like how Sony shafted those of us who bought the PS3 for its Linux capabilities. It was nice having a cheap HTPC with Blu Ray capabilities for a few months. For the most part, all of Microsoft's changes have been beneficial to the consumer.

Yeah, I have to agree with Dorek. Other than lack of extensions, IE10 is great. I use it for all of my video watching and most of my reading because it actually supports high resolution. On a 3200x1800 monitor, Chrome looks downright terrible.

The camera was never always-on, the microphone was. Kinda. The microphone only listened for the keyword, "Xbox" and then would listen to any commands thereafter. The notion that Microsoft is watching and listening to us at all times is laughable, because they have no reason to do that. In fact, if they did, someone

It absolutely depends on where you go. I got into Battlefield 3 last year, or maybe the year before, and people were anything but friendly. I got criticized for calling the maps "levels." In my experience, PC gamers take it way too seriously.

It can be bought with a subscription. I however, bought mine. The misinformation around Windows 8 and Xbox One baffles me.

So am I. How many times has rock and roll "died" over the years? And their idea of keeping it alive is by stealing music from white people who stole from black people decades ago, and doing nothing new with it. Their music was great when I first heard them (Rubber Factor, etc), but to act like they're the saviors of

Wow, that's very weird. You should tweet Xbox Support, they're usually very helpful.

Batman is totally a leather daddy.

Does Netflix stream at a higher resolution on your laptop or any other devices?

You can play several high quality games with a Chromecast? And tomorrow, will Super Time Force be available on the Google Play Store? Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break will be out in the fall - I assume on the Chromecast too?

That would kill me. I'm using my Xbox one mostly as a Netflix/rental device right now. I love Titanfall, Garden Warfare, Peggle 2 and Deadrising 3 but haven't been in gaming mood lately, so if I couldn't stream at least 720p I'd be throwing a fit. When I rent movies on it I get 1080p streaming.

I read that as cuckolding him. That would be a more interesting film.

Netflix works perfectly for me.

She's literally stealing pies and falling down in the trailer for her new film. Do Katherine Heigl, Cameron Diaz and Tina Fey fall down, steal food and shit in sinks as much as she does? Her weight is the butt of almost every joke in her movies. She was excellent on Gilmour Girls but after that she's become an

But there's a tiny heart on it!

I really do miss him.

I'm surprised that the album sounds like rock and roll, because according to Patrick Carney, Nickelback and Van Halen murdered the entire genre.

Leonard Pierce hooked me up with an early review. Some key parts of the review:

Probably a score that's befitting of someone with colossal talent.