Scott Agro

"Oh, right. How are you going to get them? Skeleton power?"

[PolarBears slides his laptop down the OitNB episode review line, I take no notice of him and look to the person left of him]

He's great in his small pieces in Mean Girls as well.

Damn, 20 Likes so far for this premise? Is amiable ol' Jeff Garlin that little enjoyed on the AV Club?

"If doing 'The Scarn' is gay, then I'm the BIGGEST QUEER ON EARTH!"

And David Mamet.

That part where Bart's sliding down the Super Happy Fun Slide and they cut to the looming vampires is suuuper scary.

Do not touch Willie.

Pretty much every comment by @Dikachu:disqus in this thread is like a big red warning to anyone thinking of sincerely taking his advice in other threads, namely the Savage Love comments section, where I've seen ideas from him that make Dan Savage look like the Wise Man of the Mountain.

It's because a burning-to-death Groundskeeper Willie patiently waits while Kirk submits an extremely trivial complaint in comparison. Also it's delivered well by Hank Azaria.

I don't like the idea of Milhouse having two spaghetti meals in one day.

I love when they just drag him back out. Freddy Kruger cameo!

I thought maybe it was the principal from Lean On Me.

On the track of non-Treehouse episodes that are genuinely scary, I nominate "Bart Sells His Soul."

Uh, yeah, the gas that turns you inside out from this very episode. That sticks with you when you're 11.

Dan Castellanetta's voice work for Homer has never been better than in this segment. So many peaks, valleys, twists and turns. Truly acrobatic work.

I'm a personal fan of Fourvel's sheepish "It's Beens."


I could have stood to hear more about the fabulous new Ford Fiesta and that amazing voice-activated climate-control system.

If you liked that one you'll love Astounding Bear Attacks.