"Happy birrrthday…Misterrr Smitherrrs…"
"Happy birrrthday…Misterrr Smitherrrs…"
"Happy birrrthday…Misterrr Smitherrrs…"
I just started watching this episode over and I almost spit cranberry juice all over my monitor at this part.
I just started watching this episode over and I almost spit cranberry juice all over my monitor at this part.
42 weeks until "Lemon Of Troy!"
42 weeks until "Lemon Of Troy!"
Her delivery of that line and the face she uses is perfect.
Her delivery of that line and the face she uses is perfect.
It stings the nostrils. I have to be honest with Sean, this article smells like pure gasoline.
It stings the nostrils. I have to be honest with Sean, this article smells like pure gasoline.
"Heavens to Betsy, I've invented a praying machine!"
"Heavens to Betsy, I've invented a praying machine!"
a la D'Onofrio.
a la D'Onofrio.
God dammit. Thanks for again reminding me that the Coen "Policeman's Union" never got off the ground. :(
God dammit. Thanks for again reminding me that the Coen "Policeman's Union" never got off the ground. :(
I think Richard really choked some sense into him.
I think Richard really choked some sense into him.