
the desk area does look like a raft adrift on an ocean, but the stage and band stand make up for it.

I'm afraid it'll take more than Muppets to redeem the concept of selfies.

I don't think the new Tonight show has too much space for a postage stamp, quite frankly. I get claustrophobic whenever they show a wide shot.

I know, it's almost as if this website is trying to maintain a distinctive voice or something!

"and" implies in a playful manner a certain continuity with the rest of the day's news.

yeah, food heavily processed to resemble another food that isn't even scarce is the normal thing.

but what does Questlove look like on the Tonight Show?

aaaaaaaaaaand the unemployment rate just shot up ten points.

would you prefer a raven-haired fellow from California?

does Chris Hardwick count?

wait, did you just spoil Game Of Thrones in the headline?

not to be outdone, the Almond Milk council's new campaign is "see? this is why the price of almonds has gone up so much!", and the Soy Milk Council's "we prefer not to think of it as imitation milk product. rather, we call it a healthy alternative to natural milk, because artificial foods are usually so much healthier

we didn't want to say anything, but you sleepwalk in drag.

ethical question: if you saw Harold Ramis' ghost and were equipped to do so, would you bust it?

so let me get this straight: customers pay for broadband internet because they want to be able to use a thing (Netflix), so the broadband internet companies get made at Netflix because the customers that pay them for broadband internet use alot of that broadband internet on Netflix?

owing to a factory flaw in my television, I was convinced for the longest time that Sanford And Son were black.

and what would you use to represent "save"? quick, draw me a simple, easily identifiable image that represents an intangible save.

I don't see what's so obsolete about having the old style HLN on in the background while I surf the internet.

oh that's a fine how-do-you-do, just punch me in the gut when I wake up!

The Bad Girls Of Rape?