
a good chunk of the callback's points have been that while things are repeating, they are most definitely NOT repeating the same way they did before…..cycle of dharma is more like a corkscrew….

weiner please

nothing beats oboe….

who else gets any "Al Gore" off of Teddy?

my first thought was: "and here is where Sal creeps back in"….

and oooh the commercials they had in those days….

and oooh the commercials they had in those days….

it's been acting up….i think a belt is slipping….always makes this loud squealing when i start it….

the moment i opened it, and pulled forth the pristine slab, the accumulated static electricity immediately spot welded about a pound of cat hair and free-floating dust into every groove….it will never play pristine….

i had to go re-torrent it myself….

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus even the geekiest and relatively progressive-est men of the era were obligated to prove their ogle-readiness…  of course, in his case, it was assuredly sincere

nah —- i only take cookies from the site i'm visiting

michigan standoff

so, odds on Sal being the co-worker's friend standing in the bags?


remember: Phillip K Dick used to keep a tape measure handy….

that only goes so far — if anything, it can boost certain sensititivies

granted, public freak display still hadn't peaked by this point, but it was already on the radar in a way that it wasn't at the end of the previous season's timeline….

I'm more than a little disappointed that the Summer of Love got no love from Mad Men, in terms of actual reactions to the spontaneous mass cultural balls-tripping-in-progress as it was happening.  we just blipped over the mass blossoming of the freak flower…..

he wasn't using that grace anyway