


okay, but who's the guy with the umbrella seen just at the beginning of the video? i couldn't tell from the freeze frame when i paused it…


i've been waiting to see if anybody would mention the use of Koyaanisqatsi — is it kosher to nick another films soundtrack? at least they actually used it quite appropriately. the two segments they used in Watchmen were accompanying scenes of scientific disasters and exploding buildings in Koyaanisqatsi and the

um, but they didn't ride in the movie….so there goes that….


okay, but what about Koyaanisqatsi? it worked very well in context, but i'm not sure if many of the viewers would have any idea of what it was or where it came from….the selections they spliced together were from the ending, with the exploding/burning/spiraling-downward rocket launch, and the demolition of the Pruit

i am not a troll…i am smething else

i (too?) am eager to see how they wrap the premise up tidily in just two issues….

a surprisingly good (sell-)outing of mr. mothersbaugh can be found in "the legend of grimace island" — a McDonalds short feature-length animated commercial, of all things….i was quite enjoying the soundtrack, despite the premise, and was again pleased to see his name in the credits….

i hadn't heard that TMBG were involved with this, but did immediately turn to my daughter and say something about how much that song sounded like them. was quite gratified to see their names come up in the credits….

my (now ex-) wife and i kinda permanent scarred our daughter by letting her watch Mars Attacks! when she was three…bad idea….we hadn't seen it yet ourselves, and the bit with Michael J. Fox getting reduced to a smoldering hand stump really sincerely freaked her out….although probably not as bad as the ice-pick

i just saw it in 2D today, and it was spectacular. i turned to my daughter, about 20-30 minutes in and said "we are watching a future classic" — she agreed, despite having read the book when it first came out, and having slight problems with some of the plot rearrangements. despite having bought her the book, when


the ocean is a giant toilet….pee where you will…jesus sorts it all out

this is what happens when you get democracy in china

now my bottom's big

it's about time
ALL about time

does d-beat
mean douchebeat?