
On the first day of march it was raining

How come there is no actual review of The Master on the site or have I somehow missed it?

How come there is no actual review of The Master on the site or have I somehow missed it?

It's fucking class, that's the appeal.  Even Muddy Waters said he was going to be the greatest man alive.  Sometimes the tune is just too badass to do anything but big up yourself or implore the audience to dance like fuck

Tough motherfucker, falls out of a plane and doesn't even wince on the way down.

It seems like there's some subtle difference between whinge and whine that I can't quite verbalise/type and may not exist.  But calling someone a whingeing bastard works a lot better than whining bastard

You could probably do that with a few Willem Dafoe films.  I remember him stealing Wild at heart completely.

"Pishhorn"  A mighty erection from needing to piss.

It's just another word for piss, sort of a bit skankier, like shit/shite.  Though you wouldn't call a bad film "piss" you would call it "pish"

He still gets trotted out constantly on talk shows putting minimal heart into making old people laugh at farting and cursing

I had a friend who watched Overnight and thought it was mediocre because he was certain it was a mocumentary

The Boondock Saints is hell.  You damn Mericans have tried to make me watch it drunk and fucked  more than once because I'm Irish.  It is Pish.  Billy Connolly lost it fucking ages ago.

New name for article :Fuck this

Na it's just a carelessly written comment.

Final scene is hilarious.  End segment also has old white dude dying in the mexican lads arms while another one puts his hand on mexican lads shoulder.  "You're my boy"

He'll be fat as fuck after all the sets he was chewing on this one

It was a bit too long really wasn't it.  When you remove all the other criticisms.

It was a bit too long really wasn't it.  When you remove all the other criticisms.

Na well mainly the two choices of video songs as that's what people are going to hear while reading the article.  Still think 808's deserves more than a line mention though. At least one tune would be on his best of.

This isn't a very good beginners guide, got some weird choices in my opinion.  "Devil in a new dress" was the most boring tune on the last album and "All falls down" is utter gack.  808's has got some great moments, special mention goes to the amazingly silly and brilliant sample of the Robocop sound during "Robocop",