Erudite Truck Driver

You missed Conroy Chino in "Contact"?

Not for MTV viewers.

And not even a single mention that Iron Man is wearing a Black Sabbath T-shirt?

If the bicentennial couldn't bring it back, nothing could. Although considering how much of a sex symbol Telly Savalas was at the time it's no surprise.

I always thought this was more of a pro Jimmy Olsen and less of an anti Superman song.

There are still some hitch-hikers, but it's been years since I've seen one that didn't look like a stereotype of serial killer or somebody who hadn't bathed in weeks. The last one that I saw that didn't fit the profile was a very attractive mother in her thirties smartly dressed in heels and a suit dragging a child

Dan taking hysterical offense to CREAMPIE's letter seems a bit out of place for him. BBC is a standard abbreviation amongst the sex seeking set as any perusal of Craigslist will show you. And even if that doesn't excuse the inherent racism, in the context of its use, it is reserved for sex among two or more people who

You can trust in one hand and test in the other and see which develops a burning sensation first. Seriously, people who think trust is more important than being safe need to be reminded that they are mortal.

You might be my cousin.

I've been looking for an excuse to stop reading the AV Club. This might be it.

I thought he was a David Bowie cover band.

Yes, yes I do.

Nobody is a household name anymore. The internet has made music far too tribalized.

That's why you're the judge and I'm the law talking guy.

I love Gen X as much as the next guy, but 1993 was an off year.

That monkey is going to pay!

One thing that was left out was wether or not they talked about children before getting married. If they got married with the intention of always "adventuring" and never settling down, then Childless H really doesn't have a leg to stand on. Just because you experience a 180 in what you want from life doesn't mean

Still more normal in my mind than furries. I seriously can accept the existence of just about any other fetish, but furries confound me. I just don't get it.

And it's back. I have a feeling it'll be coming and going all day.

And it's gone.