Erudite Truck Driver

Is this where I make a "Pensacola: Wings of Gold" reference?

Is this where I make a "Pensacola: Wings of Gold" reference?

He plunged to his death from the 6th floor of an office atrium. When authorities turned him over, he no longer had a beard.

He plunged to his death from the 6th floor of an office atrium. When authorities turned him over, he no longer had a beard.

Well at least you gave an effort.  This county would be a better place if everybody did.

Well at least you gave an effort.  This county would be a better place if everybody did.

And Shakira is just as blonde as Christina.

And Shakira is just as blonde as Christina.

No problem, Bart dude.

No problem, Bart dude.

In 2nd grade I was in the gym class where a new parachute was used for the first time and the teacher had to cut off cords before we could begin, so at some point it was probably an actual parachute.

In 2nd grade I was in the gym class where a new parachute was used for the first time and the teacher had to cut off cords before we could begin, so at some point it was probably an actual parachute.

I know a few people who think "What's Love Got To Do With It" is an awesome movie specifically because of all the domestic abuse.

I know a few people who think "What's Love Got To Do With It" is an awesome movie specifically because of all the domestic abuse.

Hipsters, and their commitment to obsolete formats didn't exist in 1992.

Hipsters, and their commitment to obsolete formats didn't exist in 1992.

But Freedom Rock was being advertised in 1992 at least.

But Freedom Rock was being advertised in 1992 at least.

"Hey Kids, It's Grunge!" - sign at a Mall of America Express store featuring squeaky clean models wearing flannel and nose rings.  True story.

"Hey Kids, It's Grunge!" - sign at a Mall of America Express store featuring squeaky clean models wearing flannel and nose rings.  True story.