
I miss those Kerkobitches

At least it's not Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride"

Who are these people watching Carson Daly and why don't they just turn on their TV's sleep function in the event of dozing off during Late Night?

They were like the living embodiment of the Hays Code!

Get it, @pamelabeesly:disqus. Get it.

You don't fool around with the sugar lobby, they will mess you up with diabetes and cavities!

Waitwaitwaitwait, wait…wait…wait, Borders is still in business?

As I said in the staff pick: Rilo Kiley discography

60? That's downright puffy coat weather on the West Coast!

I am disappointed Oscar Isaac's delivery as Apocalypse doesn't seem to be on par with the character's appearance in the 90s animated series.

Dennis Perkins does not care about hockey people.

I had to stop eating Raisin Bran Crunch after I kept finding bugs in the boxes I bought. Mind you these were boxes bought at different points in time from different stores yet they all had bugs inside. It's not a great feeling seeing bugs swimming around in your bowl of cereal after you've been eating it.

You just couldn't really believe she ordered a large pizza with extra sausage, know what I mean? I need some gritty realism.

I hope CBS and NBC can set aside their differences so we can get a special network crossover TV event: Code Blacklist.

In no particular order (since I missed my opportunity on the last thread):

Nicolas Cage’s ever-shifting hairline, which ebbs and flows like a gentle follicular wave lapping against the artificially smooth shores of his forehead

Dr. John Thackery and Speedballs, The Knick.

Please, Edward's penis is just a pair of crayola safety scissors.