
My friends! Jack Warner has made a video in response to John Oliver's response to Warner's video!

Scott Caan's Hair!? What are you doing hiding under that hat!?

Clamato doesn't just continue to exist but there's also a version that comes premixed with Bud Light. Truly this is a Golden Age.

Why hasn't there been a reboot of Battletoads yet?

Goggins as Stilt-Man! Or in a more controversial piece of speculative casting, Goggins as LADY STILT-MAN!

This movie had me at, "I'm going to have to science the shit out of this."

Punisher: War Zone is all I ever wanted out of a live-action McBain movie. If only it had a Senator Mendoza.

Thanks to Netflix I watched Chopped for the first time and it has quickly become one of my favorite cooking competition shows. There's minimal drama between the cooks and it's a competition show that actually focuses more on the food! I know, it's so novel! I also love some of the generic names they give to clearly

You know, all I can see in that top picture is Bobby Moynihan. Wait, excuse me…

Wait, where are the gargoyles in all of this? I was promised there would be gargoyles!

John Noble is a national treasure! A NATIONAL TRE-what? He's Australian? Oh…um…LOOK OVER THERE!

Something something, JK Simmons, tempo, PARKER!, pictures of Spider-Man.

Even Spike Feresten?

I'm not as invested in the Stanley Cup Finals since my beloved Ducks fell, but I hope Tampa Bay kicks Chicago's ass. Goddamn Original Six bastards.

Community season seven becomes a stealth Heat Vision and Jack relaunch.

"Yo Detective Johnson, you heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right?"

Paktion Comics with Superman riding on motorcycle? If people don't like anything about this then, gosh, I don't even want to know them.

I'd rather see an adaptation of Phonogram than The Wicked + Divine but I'm guessing all the music rights would cause a giant headache.