Uh…er….omelette du fromage?
Uh…er….omelette du fromage?
In my mind Person of Interest is on tonight and EVERY NIGHT. The world is full of idiots that don't understand the importance Person of Interest has to pop culture. Sure, they'll tear their hairs out at the first season but if you stick with it, the show accomplishes great things that they wouldn't have been a part of…
This thing should've been done with Teti wearing the sleeping mask for the whole video. Hell, everyone should be wearing the sleeping mask all the time. Although deaths and accidents would rise dramatically.
I'm not ashamed to admit this: I was waiting for this article to go up just so I can be the first one to post it.
If only, then we'd see White and whoever plays Iron Fist team-up to take down some kung-fu treachery. Just like Aunt Petunia intended.
You might say it will go furiously fast. No? That was implied? Oh…okay….I'll go now, I guess.
Sweet Christmas!
And so Christian Slater finds himself leaping from TV show to TV show, striving to find that one long-lasting breakout hit and hoping each time that his next role…will be on a series that gets renewed for multiple seasons.
Well, I was trying to be diplomatic.
John Mulaney has hit more than a few roadblocks in his quest to create a modern Seinfeld, not least of which is his show’s ever-changing timeslot.
It's no longer a great day for America, everybody. :(
The scene between Korra and Tenzin about only just beginning being the Avatar and wanting to see more and do felt like a goddamn gut-punch.
Man, I was hoping they went with that alternate ending of Colbert trying to throw Captain America's shield only for it to come back and hit him on the head. Then we fad to black, silence, then the sounds of thrashing. It's Stephen, he's having one of his night terrors. He wakes up, turns on the light and tries to…
Someone is going to get a visit by three ghosts.
It will probably come down to the Late Late Show or the series finale for Korra.
The chances of getting a Dan in Real Life sequel just became better.
I still stand by my long held belief that the first Rocky is a perfect date movie. It has everything! Action! Romance! Mumble mouths! Hats!
Samuel just came off as a giant tool all-throughout the season, and during this finale him calling the smoking gun a gimmick was rich. I mean, bitch, you were using liquid nitrogen to quick freeze raspberries so that you can crush them for a garnish don't you be calling someone else's technique gimmicky!
I finally got around to finishing "All the President's Men," a book I was assigned for a class about two years ago and never really read, some time during August. Instead of going through it when it was assigned I read a couple of articles about Watergate and watched the movie, which only covered about the first-half…
I like to think in another life Phil did date a magician's assistant—A very assertive blonde woman named Veronica, perhaps.