
Makes me rethink of my idea for a one-hour legal drama where an assistant district attorney can talk to the dead and uses that ability to help win cases. Initially I pegged it for ABC but it seems like the kind of thing the USA Network would air. HABEAS' CORPSES: A USA NETWORK ORIGINAL SERIES…Characters Welcome! Yes!

Man, when was the last time Sesame Street was this FUUUUUUUUUUUUNKY?

I only knew the answer to Final Jeopardy because I recently came up with a very stupid idea for a one-hour legal drama that involves an ADA named Johnathon Habeas who has the ability to talk to the dead. He uses that ability to help solve cases. The name of the show? Habeas' Corpses airing soon on ABC.

No Snapple facts?! Did they not have any facts back then or are they only for the metal capped bottles?

Agent Burn Notice: A USA Network Original Series

While the show has become marginally better since the first episode, I needs me some serialization. Enough of this stand alone bullshit. Where are the multi-episode epics!? The cliffhangers!? The drama!? Tom Kane giving an opening narration!? WHY CAN'T THIS BE CLONE WARS!?

How!? How does a person not like Ghostbusters?! That's just downright unpatriotic!

The only thing good about the Blacklist is…uh…man, I don't know. I guess the Spaderlogues? But even then, they come off as kind of toothless because of the shitty writing. I guess it's a show that people can watch while they eat lunch and not really pay attention to it? I know I do that.

UUUUUUUUUGH. I should have known a network like ABC would give Forever a full-season order. I mean hell, they've kept Castle on the air longer than it has any right to be. And I'm not feeling too hot on the last two shows I picked. I messed up, damn it! I MESSED UP!

Oh god, the Christmas special is going to take the cheese factor to a whole new level, isn't it?

It's BECAUSE of the bow tie.

And then the show will be mostly ignored by the A.V. Club.

So from the scene at the end of the episode, I'm guessing we're eventually going to deal with that whole shebang of the Resurrection Crusaders and Damnation Army? Boy won't that be a hoot.

They better damn have The Wall in Suicide Squad and they better get CCH Pounder.

#PeopleactuallyrememberNewAmsterdam? #That'sjustwiggitywack

On one hand Judd Hirsch gets some steady work, on the other this screws me over for Cancellation League. Also I really, really, REALLY hate the assistant ME dude. Hated him on Bones, still hate him on this show.

Well, now we are all sons of bitches.

While I would like to go to a drive-in again, I loathe Johnny Rockets and the "food" they peddle. The overcharged food is just incredibly mediocre. People are better off going to an actual greasy spoon diner that just barely passed a health inspection.

I wouldn't mind a spin-off series called the Joy of Painting with Meelo.

In other news, ABC also gave a full-season order to Forever so that has screwed me for Cancellation League. I CHOSE POORLY.