I once had a roommate who claimed to listen exclusively to Christian music and never heard the likes of Bob Dylan or The Beatles. Worst part was that he owned a guitar and was always strumming it everyday, badly singing some Christian song.
I once had a roommate who claimed to listen exclusively to Christian music and never heard the likes of Bob Dylan or The Beatles. Worst part was that he owned a guitar and was always strumming it everyday, badly singing some Christian song.
Single female judge,
Wearing not so sexy judicial robes,
Having lots of sex.
He got heavy into boating, got bored of it and grew a hatred for Seattle.
Agent Damnfinecupofcoffee
Agent McAccent
I'm more of a Baby Boss kind of guy. https://screen.yahoo.com/of…
She's a very sexy baby: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Did I get serious head trauma and found myself back in the early 90s? What is going on?! WHY IS EVERYONE WEARING FLANNEL!? IT'S A DAVID BOWIE SONG DAMN IT! NOT NIRVANA!
Alas, if only they had David Tennant grooving and moving to the sounds of The Smiths. Maybe then this adaptation would be worth something.
say hello to Ben Franklin’s Frankenstein monster
And replaced with a CGI Sy Snootles!
Soooo…it's totally going to be Krusty's Dad, right? He's the one that dies. I mean, Jackie Mason did win an Emmy for his work.
Man, I kind of wished they didn't mention the time skip in the trailer. It would've been great if they suddenly sprung it on us a few minutes into the premiere a la Young Justice.
Ugh, I'm dreading the end of Azzarello and Chiang's (among others) run on Wonder Woman because that means we'll get Finch and his insipid baby-doll drawings.
Wait, yeah it was the Marvel Knights book not Max. My mistake.
What's the over/under on SNL doing an Ebony and Ivory riff for Weekend Update?
And now the requisite Office Space clip: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Oh, "How To Get Away With Murder," your title is so asinine. Are you a good show? Maybe, I haven't seen it. But boy howdy, that's some name. HOW to get away with…MUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRDEEEEER.
Marco Rudy's work is fantastic but, boy howdy, his stuff on Spider-Man Max Marvel Knights: Spider-Man sometimes got really hard to follow. Hopefully this will be more coherent.
Because consumers know what chip to get and what to abandon.
Shonda Rhimes is to ABC like Seth MacFarlane is to Fox like Chuck Lorre is to CBS like Lorne Michaels is to NBC. Interpret that however you want.