

We are all Aquaman. Each and every one of us. OUTRAGEOUS, I know.

I dunno man, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Lethal Weapon gives Die Hard a run for its money.

Is that the Raylan Givens version of the Goren lean going on in that picture (I have never seen a single episode of Justified)?

I have heard stories of Fat Apollo, never heard stories on WHY such a thing exists.

I started watching BSG for the first time a few days ago and I have to say I really liked the first season despite the weird tonal shift that episode with Ellen Tigh had. Right now I'm about six episodes in to the second season and it's sort of becoming a slog. Who knew a show about religious extremist robots can get

I bid 8,001 episodes, Bob. When I was a young child, I didn't know true hatred until watching The Price is Right on sick days and seeing people bid a buck more than the person next to them. The strategy is maddening!

Piolt Viruet's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in … there were no survivors.

If the cast of Veep and the cast of Hannibal switched roles, who would be who? So far I want to say Matt Walsh would be Buffalo Bill and either Timothy Simons or Reid Scott as Francis Dolarhyde. Although Simons might do as Mason Verger. Not sure who the Hannibal people would be. Maybe Caroline Dhavernas as Selina, or

How Hannibal Got His Groove Back is a movie I really want to see. Even if they digitally replace Angela Basset with Mads Mikkelsen.

The AV Club should start screening their staff and prospective applicants for beer pouring technique.

Would that make Kyle Rayner the Jimmy Fallon and/or Seth Meyers of the DCU? Trying to bring a sense of youth, freshness and flying space zombie refrigerators (this was a thing that really happened in the comics, people) to the old guard?

What's great was that when he told proto-Team Arrow that the bomb probably wouldn't kill him he didn't do some groan worthy dialogue that Smallville pulled about how their version of Slade is "beyond Death's stroke now."

In the email scene it showed that Ryan forwarded Fred one of those Nigerian prince scams and I thought, "yeah, he WOULD do something like that." It's the little things.

One day Vampire Weekend will re-record Walcott and replace every mention of it with Oswalt. Album cover would be a KFC famous bowl oozing with gravy.

Just you wait, this episode was an elaborate April Fool's ruse to make us believe that this show has become good. It's so elaborate that I had to use ruse instead of joke! But seriously, I'm pleasantly surprised by the improvements the show has been making. The whole Agents of SHIELD…UPRISING! thing notwithstanding.

Seth Meyers is no Jimmy Fallon when it comes to breaking/laughing. He does grin a lot, that's about it.

I want to take a moment and note that Seth Meyers has pleasantly surprised me as host of Late Night. He's less jittery about the monologue and seems to be doing a better job at transitioning to it. It still feels a bit like Weekend Update but the delivery has changed somewhat. It's less like straight up reporting each

Have they done playing The Room in reverse yet? Or perhaps a community theater version of it? Maybe have the story told through the use of shadow puppets!

Man, Homer was a goddamn astronaut who served with space hero the inanimate carbon rod. Talk about burying the lede with all this pony and referee BS…although I guess it's not burying it if it wasn't mentioned but still! BS!