
Unfortunately TMC is not airing the Sleepy Hollow that has the Headless Horseman using a machine gun.
Side note: This week's episode of Psych had Sutton Foster and she was criminally underused! THAT WOMAN IS A NATIONAL TREASURE.

Go to Virgin Galactic and book a one way ticket to the sun?

Sadly that version only had a hood and no nunchucks.

The true villain of the series will be revealed as the FIENDISH DOCTOR WU!

You might say that it's … suicide to do so.

If Disney replaced half of the cast on Agents of SHIELD with a salmon ladder then MAYBE it might do a bit better. The power of the salmon ladder can only go so far.

This show The Walking Dead? Everything that can be said with zombies on television has been said. It's done. Shut down the show, shut down the whole network.

Person of Interest relegated to the Regular Coverage section while Kroll Show is Also Noted?! That is some malarkey I tell you what.

It is the false Arrow! He who is without with the hallowed Ladder of Salmon. Do not be swayed by this pretender's shirtlessness.
I'm not sure if anyone would get that, I can't picture Revenge and Arrow viewers overlap. I just had to comment on the picture.

Depending on how you look at things, there was a severe lack of foodporn in this episode.

You cook the sloppy joe sauce long enough, it becomes sentient meat. Crafting its own identity and making value judgement. Now, you got a problem with that, you are living wrong.

She saw one episode of Broad City, looked into the gazing abyss and sighed, proclaiming to the cast and crew of Girls to "shut it down."

All hail John Teti, the heir apparent to the Throne O'Neil.

Sloppy joe sauce is some seriously deep shit man, it's warm…like a substance.

We'll just have to do our own shirtless exercises.

Disney doesn't want to pay for a salmon ladder.

Man, this really should have been that Thor: The Dark World crossover instead of that Berserker nonsense. It actually made more sense and better tied into the movie than a bunch of Nordic terrorists doing whatever the hell they did in that episode.
Disqus is being all kinds of weird so here is my rant from below in

I kind of wished they had Nick be an incredibly competent lawyer (with the occasional Millerisms mixed with lawyer speak) instead of just being plain ol' Nick in a power suit. Still a fun episode though.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

But when will we get a Sean O'Neal penned children's book? Children should know the wonders of that patented O'Neal-Snark (Snark O'Neal?).