
They just aren't the same without the mustaches.

Man, that comment by Graham Elliot about the knives took me out of the episode. I can understand the close-up on the logos of the oven and utensils, but to actually talk about them? Ugh.

Shit, a Man Vs. Food reference would've been so much better. DAMN IT!

This doesn't star Bear Grylls?

I'm glad she got kicked out, she should've been given the boot during that biker challenge. For the hors d'oeuvres challenge, she should've just gave up and do a different dessert like Giuseppe did after her first batch failed. Instead of trying two more times.And for this episode, Ben wears a pear hat! Or at

I'm getting a bit tired of the mystery box, it's starting to get repetitive. I actually miss the pressure challenge from last season when they had to name the ingredients in a dish they were presented with.

Where does he get those wonderful hats?
Seriously, does Ben have a guy for his chef hats? I haven't really been paying attention to them throughout this season, but does he where a different hat during every challenge or has he just been wearing that chilli pepper hat for the last couple of episodes?

His eyes, they burn into my soul.
I like this new show of his, hopefully it won't get cancelled. And the new season of Archer can't come soon enough.

I do admit that, despite him being a douche, Max was a good contestant. I thought Esther was going to get the boot because of her failure at leading the red team though.

Max is eliminated! No longer will I have to look at his smug Funky Winkerbean-esque smirk.

The next leap
Is never the leap home! IT NEVER IS!

I was flipping through channels and I some him on an Italian cooking show and he was the exact opposite of how he is on the show, it was kind of jarring (just like seeing a calm, collected Chef Ramsay). He was upbeat and talkative, although the show was hosted by his home so that's probably why.

Making this show a featured review?
Yeah, I'd read it. I'd read the hell out of it.

Oh god
Coachella on 4/20, THAT'S going to be fun.

I would rather watch a real world version of Queen of Jordan!

@mimi Now you know how grown fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic feel (myself included). Unless you yourself are a "brony."

I meant next fall

I haven't seen this show but it's criminal that ABC Family has kept this show alive for two seasons while they cancelled "The Middleman" after one incredibly short and incredibly awesome season. RATINGS BE DAMNED!

Addendum: I did enjoy Blair Underwood's performance, but even he couldn't save the show. And yeah, the whole pregnancy thing was incredibly telegraphed. Now that the show is cancelled, I wonder what NBC will put in it's place and how long THAT show will last.

The Event
THAT was the Event? I've already seen that same stunt pulled with Doctor Who. Hell, even Smallville did something similar (although with worse effects). This show was not a fun failure, and no, you're not being too harsh. A D seems appropriate enough, maybe it should get a D-. Although I'm not sure how bad a