
This Week
I enjoyed this week's episode of the Simpsons, as well as Bob's Burgers (especially with Jack MacBrayer voicing a transvestite), they both got some chuckles out of me. Although, in The Simpsons episode, I couldn't help notice that Beatrice (Grandpa's dead girlfriend) was part of the group of old people who

BBC America
Well the American channel might not have stills, what about the regular ol' BBC (or whichever BBC channel it airs on in the UK)?

This episode
Wasn't great and it wasn't bad. It just seemed like an average episode, nothing really stood out to me. Still enjoyable though.

I was surprised with myself in that I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Especially with movie Dr. Trapper John M.D. as a guest star! Although the episode did have a severe lack of Summer Glau.

This episode
Is the first time I noticed that Chuck recycles their sets. In this case, the bank set.

I miss
The Kitchen Confidential TV show that was based on him.

Also, was it just me or did this episode seem a bit more cartoonish than normal?

Pop pop
I'm not sure if I like Magnitude or not, I know he's only been in two episodes but I'm hoping he doesn't become a gimmicky character. However, I was greatly pleased by Eliza Coupe as the Secret Service agent.

Ed O'Neill
I'm a bit disappointed he didn't sing Love and Marriage at the end. Or would that have been too tacky?

This the song?


Product Placement
You know, I would like to see the AV Club do a write up on the most blatant use of product placement in Film and Television if it hasn't already been done on the site.

When I saw the door at the end, I just laughed my ass off when they started to zoom in on it.

I might be crazy
But has Chuck always been shot with film rather than digital? Some shots looked grainy and a bit blurry.

It needed
More Conan O'Brien….and cow bell.

@haysoos Whoa, whoa, whoa. Junkyard Wars is canceled!?

I don't think I ever seen a single episode of the Amazing Race. The commercials make it seem fun, but I'm not a fan of reality game shows are whatever they're considered these days.

Chord Overstreet
I still can't get over the fact that his name is actually Chord Overstreet.

Zombie Terrorists
Isn't an entirely ridiculous plot point. I mean, if Captain America had a comic where Nazis reanimated corpses as suicide bombers, why not the Cape use zombie terrorists?