
I like how the episodes haven't been aired yet, but it's already been graded by AV Club users.

You should see the video of them doing their version of the Ghostbusters theme song.

Troy's costume
Looks like he's dressed up as Eddie Murphy from Delirious.

It's going to have Natalie Morales AND Kirk Acevedo, who I'm assuming from the USA trailer is playing an FBI agent. Is it too much to ask for his character to be named Charlie?

A better option would be
I watch CoCo Christopher.

Kevin Michael Richardson
I think he was only in the Simpsons and the Cleavland Show that night.

I've seen 10
And I regret seeing them all.

These shows…
I don't know, originality by Seth MacFarlane is a stretch, the premise of Bored to Death sort of reminds me of Andy Barker PI so I might give that show a shot.

Blackest Night
Hey now, I quite liked the first issue of Blackest Night! I mean when it comes to zombies, and in this case, Intergalactic Zombies you'd expect some gore and shock. Either that or I'm a total sucker for stuff by Geoff Johns.

I'm just hoping that's sarcasm and not some rabid fan thing.

Hey now!
I quiet enjoy Wendy's chicken nuggets of McDonald's McNuggets…although it's probably because you get 5 nuggets as opposed to 4.

Well you ever get your heads out of your collective asses?

Only those under the legal age of consent.

Great Movie
Just saw Moon not too long ago. Thought it was great. Probably one of the best things I've seen Sam Rockwell in.

Time to wait for the comic book continuation
I enjoyed Anna Friel's little scene in the morgue. And ah, Digby frolicking through the field!

Sad that the series finale is next week
I really enjoyed last night's episode, but I'm wondering. Where is Digby in all this?

The Cleavland Show, gradually Fox's Sunday line-up will be nothing but Seth MacFarlane shows. I can see it now, they'll have him do The Simpsons as well!